Saif Ali Khan‘s debut film Aashiq Aawara alongside Mamta marked his entry into Bollywood. Though the film’s release was delayed, Saif’s Parampara came out first. A vintage photo shoot of the duo has now gone viral, showcasing their incredible chemistry.
Check out the photo here:
In the throwback photo shoot, the actors are seen showing off their sizzling chemistry, especially during the promotional event of Aashiq Aawara. The image features a passionate moment between the two, with Mamta in a maroon tank top and Saif in a black tee and red jacket. Saif’s signature clean-shaven look and long hairstyle were also part of his iconic ’90s style.
Mamta, known as a ’90s heartthrob, had a brief but impactful Bollywood career. She worked alongside several big stars like Aamir Khan and Saif Ali Khan. Reflecting on her collaboration with Saif in Aashiq Aawara, she recognised his potential early on, which later led to his debut award.
Her personal life attracted controversy, particularly due to her connection with Vicky Goswami, a Kenya-based drug dealer. Following his arrest, a non-bailable warrant was issued against her. In an interview, she clarified that she had no links to the underworld, and although she spent years with him, she had no plans to return to Bollywood.
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