Veteran actress Padmini Kolhapure and her husband Pradeep “Tutu” Sharma recently shared two heartwarming pictures that highlight their enduring bond with Bollywood’s iconic couple, Jeetendra and Shobha Kapoor. The photographs, taken 38 years apart, narrate a tale of friendship and family.
The first picture is from Padmini and Tutu’s wedding, with Jeetendra and Shobha standing behind the newlyweds. The second captures the reverse – Jeetendra and Shobha sitting together on their 50th wedding anniversary, with Padmini and Tutu standing behind them, symbolizing a beautiful “full circle” moment.
Reflecting on her wedding picture, Padmini shared with ETimes, “Jeetuji, whom everyone close to him calls Bappa, and Shobhaji, who I call Bhabs, were instrumental in our marriage ceremony.” She fondly remembered how Shobha Kapoor took charge of the reception, from inviting friends to organizing the event.
“Our marriage ceremony was a hurried affair, and Shaktiji performed my kanyadaan. Shobhaji tied the wedding knot for us. She also organized our wedding reception, including inviting friends. In addition, she ordered and paid for the beautiful pink lehenga with pure silver zari work from Zaveri Bazaar, which I am wearing in this picture,” she said.
Padmini also recalled Jeetendra’s spiritual devotion, saying, “Jeetuji is a devout Sabarimala follower, and at that time, he was observing the customary 40-day ritual during the wedding. Tutuji and Jeetuji have been close for years, and Jeetuji is like a big brother to Tutu.”
Speaking about Shobha Kapoor’s influence, Padmini revealed, “My mother-in-law did not follow the practice of observing Karva Chauth, but I was so influenced by Shobhaji that I started keeping the fast just because she did. I used to say Shobhaji was my godmother-in-law. As a couple, we were very close to them and often attended film functions and parties together as a family in their car.”
Padmini concluded by expressing her heartfelt wishes for Jeetendra and Shobha, saying, “Being in a picture with them on their 50th wedding anniversary feels like a beautiful full circle for us. We wish Bappa and Bhabs lots of love and good wishes.”
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